NC series parts

NC Series Parts

Need a replacement part for your NC Series Fertilizer Only Spreader? NC Series spreader replacement parts are factory made for our NC1500, NC1500N, NC2000, NC3000, NC5000, NC6000, and NC8000. Call our parts department or your local dealer to purchase replacement parts. View our catalog with specification drawings to determine which parts you need. In addition, have your serial number available when calling as it will help our parts team ensure you get the correct parts for your model.

ChutE and Belts

Ref. NoQtyPart No.Description
Chute Assembly, Dual Spinners
Chute Assembly, Single Spinner
Both Assemblies Include: Ref. No 2,3,6,7,8,9 (Pullies Not Included)
21NC-025079HUpper Bearing Mounting Plate
3A2NC-015092P Spinner Shafts
3B2PP-PVC100PVC for Spinner Shaft
3C1KE-14112Key, 1/4″ x 1-1/2″
42PU-DB965010**Pulley, Single Groove 6”, 1” Bore
540 RPM or 1000 RPM
51PU-BVI10801**Idler Pulley, 6 ½” x ⅝” Bore
61NC-025077HBelt Guide Assembly
6A1NC-025008CDBelt Tension Adjustment, 3/8 Rod
74BR-3BF100Flange Bearing 1”, 3 Bolt
81NC-025008AAChute Material Deflector
92SE-013713593Clipper Oil Seal, 1 ⅜”
BT-BB122Belt for Dual Spinners, 540
BT-BB116Belt for Dual Spinners, 1000
BT-BB111Belt for Single Spinners
**NC uses solid pulleys. Riveted pulleys not recommended.

ChutE and Belts with Enclosures

Ref. NoQtyPart No.Description
11NC-025008AMSSChute Assembly, Dual Spinners
Assembly Includes: Ref. No 2,3,6,7,8,9 (Pullies Not Included)
21NC-025079TUpper Bearing Mounting Plate
3A2NC-015092P Spinner Shafts
3C1KE-14112Key, 1/4″ x 1-1/2″
42PU-DB96501**Pulley, Single Groove 6”, 1” Bore
540 RPM or 1000 RPM
51PU-BVI10801**Idler Pulley, 6 ½” x ⅝” Bore
61NC-025077HBelt Guide Assembly
6A1NC-025008CDBelt Tension Adjustment, 3/8 Rod
3 Bolt Flange Bearing, 1″ SS
3 Bolt Flange Bearing, 1″
81NC-025008AAChute Material Deflector
92NC-025079SSpinner Shaft Enclosures w/o Bearings
BT-BB122Belt for Dual Spinners, 540
BT-BB116Belt for Dual Spinners, 1000
**NC uses solid pulleys. Riveted pulleys not recommended.

Conveyor and Roller Assembly

Ref. NoQtyPart No.Description
11CN-015005ABFront Roller, 1” x 12, No Spkt
21CN-015005ACRear Roller, 1” x 14½”, 4 Spkt
1PM-025005CTRear Roller Cover Plate
3CA-BC07Bed Chain, 7” x 14’ NC1500, NC2000
3CA-BC07Bed Chain 7”x 16’, NC5000
3CA-BC07Bed Chain, 7”x 20’ NC6000, NC8000
3ACA-SP07Splice Pin, 7”
42KE-516112Bearing Stops, 5/16″ x 1 1/2″
52BR-PB100IMPBearing 1”, Pillow Block
62BR-TU100IMPBearing 1”, Take Up
72NC-025005QScrew, Take Up
84BN-SSAHN58Acme Nut, SS, ⅝”
94BN-SSHH38112Bolt, 3/8” x 1½/”
104BN-SSLN38Lock Nut, ⅜”
111SP-205030X2050400Transmission Sprocket, 40 & 30, 1″ Bore
11A1KE-SK042112Key, 5/16″ x 1/4″

Drive Shaft

Ref. No540 RPM1000 RPMPart No.Description
111NC-015005ADFront Drive Shaft (NC15000, NC2000, &NC5000)
111NC-015005AGFront Drive Shaft (NC6000 & NC8000)
211NC-015005AERear Drive Shaft (NC1500 & NC2000)
211NC-015005AFRear Drive Shaft (NC5000)
211NC-015005AHRear Drive Shaft (NC6000 & NC 8000)
31PU-DB128501Pulley Single Groove 8″, 1″ Bore 540RPM
31PU-DG412X100Pulley Single Groove 4.5″, 1″ Bore 1000RPM
3A11KE-14112Key, 1/4″ x 1 1/2″
433BR-PB100IMPPillow Block Bearing, 1″
511UJ-393010393STD Universal, 1″R x 1″R
5A22KE-K15NWoodruff Key, 1/4″ x 1
611NC-025079LPTO Support Assembly
611NC-025079QPTO Support Assy, Narrow Track
766BN-SSHH38112Bolt 3/8″ x 1 1/2″
866BN-SSLN38Lock Nut, 3/8″
911NC-025079MPTO Locking Assembly
1011KE-14112Key, 1/4″ x 1 1/2″

540 PTO Shaft

Ref. NoQtyPart No.Description
1GB-TR6QDP38PTO Shaft Assembly, 3/8”, 6 Spline
1GB-TR6QDP38MPTO Shaft Assy, 3/8”, 6 Spline, Modified
1GB-9721154Outer Guard
1GB-9621154Inner Guard
A1GB-9210600Kit, Nylon 6, Easy Lock
B1GB-9002560Shield, 250, Plastic, x 60 in
C1GB-0415169Bushing, AS250
D1GB-10000648Assy., 6, Yoke, & Shaft x 48
E2GB-2000600Cross and Bearing Kit, 6R
F1GB-1020606Yoke, 6, Trac, QD 1 3/8″ x 6

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