
Our factory experts can quickly diagnose and address any issues to get your equipment back up and running smoothly. We also offer comprehensive support, providing training on setup, operation, and maintenance best practices. Count on us to be your reliable partner, providing the service and support you need to maximize the performance and longevity of your Newton Crouch spreaders.

Pre Season Tune Up

Our Experts will complete a pre-season checklist to ensure that your equipment gets in the field without maintenance issues.

Trailer Replacement

Replace your worn trailer with a new tube trailer frame and get years more of service from your spreader.

Spinner Motor Service

Rebuild or replace worn spinner motors.

Spread Pattern Testing

Our service team can perform on-site testing or provide a kit to do it yourself.

Trade In

Sell back your used equipment for credit towards a new unit.

Pump rebuild

Pump and liquid parts replacement or repair.

Need Service

Whether you needs annual maintenance or a full factory refurbish, our service team is ready to help.

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